Monday, May 26, 2008

Fun at home

It's 2:30AM and I am not crabby or tired, and my stomach is momentarily calm. Mary Alice, Megan Ling and I are all up and having a snack. Megan Ling is on her 3rd bowl of rice! Thanks, to my dear friend, Kathy, who made me a big bowl of it. My wonderful brother, Marty, came to the rescue again and phoned in some killer antibiotics to my pharmacy as he thinks I brought home a China bug. Hopefully, it will work quickly so I can feel normal again.

Here are some fun photos from the last couple of days.

This is a shirt from Grandma Judy in Florida. Miss Sunshine is a perfect name for Megan Ling.

These are the American Girl dresses that I found in China for Mary Alice's and her friend, Abby's dolls.

This is Hsiao-shen, (prounouced Shout with out the "t" at the end) who came over today to talk with Megan Ling in Chinese. They really enjoyed each other. Hsiao-shen is from Taiwan and speaks beautifully in both Chinese (Mandarin) and English.

Today Megan Ling will visit her pediatrician. I am very interested to hear what she sees up Megan's nose. Also, she start her series of vaccines. I hope it doesn't hurt too much.

And a few videos:

Megan Ling and Matthew playing Stomp Rocket.

Stomping at Jake & Lynn's house!

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