Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A busy day.

I am exhausted!! I am falling asleep as I type this. We went to the Civil Affairs Office again this morning to finalize the rest of our adoption. China requires a 24 hour waiting period after you get your child before the adoption is not finalized, in case any issues or problems come up that need to be addressed. The children were troopers as the process was lengthy and hot! It took about four hours, then we returned to the hotel to rest. Well, others rested, I cleaned up the room. It was amazing how much stuff we had pulled out and not put back. You would have been surprised at how much I ignored!!

Then around 4:30 we walked to a mall that was in a 3 story building. The top floor is like a very disorganized K-Mart. We shopped for toys and items for the children in the Chaoyang orphanage, with some of the money that our church collected. The rest I am going to donate through a program that our agency, GWCA, runs, called Gifts of Love. They provide orphanages with money to purchase larger items like washers, dyers, etc.

Here is a picture of what I picked out. I hope they like them. Tomorrow, Eric will travel to Chaoyang SWI to get the passport made for Ling. She has to go to, and i think it is going to be a very difficult and long trip. We were told that we are not going to be allowed to visit the orphanage, just take pictures from the outside of the building, because of the Hand, foot and mouth disease that being seen in other parts of China. They do not want to exp0se the kids to anything uneccesarily.

I am falling asleep sitting up, so I am going to stop here and add more tomorrow.


Stefanie said...

Glad all is well. She is beautiful. Was worried re: earthquake; not knowing where you were. Can't wait to meet your newest family member.
Best to all,
Stefanie & Hannah

Anonymous said...

Ling is beautiful! Congratulations! We are so happy for all of you. We are also very glad to see that you were not near or affected by the earthquake.

Our best wishes and prayers are with you and your newly enlarged family. We hope that your travels are much more boring from here on.

Jason, Kelly and Nathan

PS. I am very proud that Eric wore the Fat Bob's Tshirt.

Anonymous said...

Ling is sooo cute!!! I'm so glad she has been happy!!! Say Hi to Mary Alice and tell her that flat Brittany's chinese costume is great! Give Ling a hug for me. Love to you all.

chica40208 said...

i am happy you finaly have your daughter!