Saturday, January 24, 2009

I am the first one out of bed this morning, at 5:00AM

This, in and of itself, is an amazing feat. It is very difficult to beat Eric out of bed, as he is Mr. Early Riser, starting his morning at about 5:15 each day, so he can have a bit of quiet time to read over breakfast and still make it out the door by 6:30. Who can compete with that? Who would want to? Usually, he wakes me up by 6:30 and Megan stumbles into my room, bleary-eyed and hair tussled, shortly after that,saying "A Mama?" Which means, "Where's Mama".....That's what she says for everybody when she wants to know where they are: A Dada? A Matt-Matt? A Mare-Mare? etc....

Anyway, here I am, showered, dressed, coffee made, laundry agitating, and me completely avoiding finishing up the slide show for my Dad's 80th birthday party, which is today. It's not that I don't want to do it; it's that several things have happened and I want to record them now, while they are fresh. So I will post them each in their own slot.

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