Thursday, June 24, 2010

Immigration Approval Received Today!

Today we received approval of our I-800 form, indicating the US government thinks we are "suitable to adopt a a child" and bring her to the United States. We got fingerprinted today (the final step) and our approval letter is in the mail. It will join the rest of our documents next week on its way to our courier, for the final authentication steps before heading to our agency, Bay Area Adoption Services. Then, after a review by them, it will be off to China!!

After that, we get Logged In, and start another wait for review by the Chinese government. If all goes well, we should have a Letter of Acceptance for Shanna's referral in about two months, and then Travel Approval in another two months after that. So we still have a while, but we are making great progress.

Meanwhile, the older kids have finished school; Megan has her last day today. And we are enjoying the summer days.

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