Sunday, November 28, 2010

Today's Adventures

This morning we had a treat and we Skyped with my family who are gathered in Georgia for Thanksgiving. And they sang us a song. It's less than a minute video.

Many of following photos are courtesy of Matthew, our terrific photographer. Some are from Marion, too.
Various foods for sale around the corner from our hotel.
Eels. Ewww.
Poor turtles. Tessa & Erin, can you imagine how Mary Alice felt about this???
This spiny lobster was enormous.
This is an intricate carving in stone in the hotel lobby.

Walking through Guangzhou with another family we met. Their boy is holding hands with Eric.
Beautiful flowers are everywhere. The temperature is perfect, about 78 and it is very sunny, not too humid.
In the open spaces, people gather all throughout the day. Today there was a ton of people taking photographs, and many of the photographed people were in wedding clothes. Evidently, a lot of people choose to have pictures taken in these beautiful gardens.
I think this is a Banyan Tree.
Even in China, Matthew finds butterflies. See the black swallowtail in the center?

Where's Megan?? Hiding behind the fountain -- which was not running today.  :(

Can you see the boxes piled up in the center of the photo? Well, if you look carefully, you will see a guy on a bicycle UNDERNEATH the boxes!! (Not the guy standing on the left, the bike guy is only partially showing.) I have no idea  how he pedaled that load, but he did it. We saw him actually in motion. Amazing.
The Pearl River

I thought this was such a funny statue.
The buildings are lit up at night.
We are on our way to bed, once again, the last night as a family of five. Tomorrow at 2:30pm (1:30am EST) we will meet our sweet Shanna. We will try to post around the 5-6pm (around 4-5am EST). Thanks for all the comments and prayers. We read them all and are so appreciative!! 

PS. Mrs. Cl---, you would not believe Megan's language and descriptions of her experiences. She is astounding us with her long sentences of such detail!


Unknown said...

Can't wait to see pictures of the WHOLE family!

Don't forget to take a s win in the Vitory's pool, the view from the roof is awsome!

Simply-Family said...

We did try to swim! The pool is closed for winter! No water!! Too bad. We will try and see if we can just go up there and look so we can enjoy the view.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I am so proud of you all for doing so well on such a long trip! You look happy and relaxed, even though very tired. I love all the photos; thank you Matthew and Marion. It really makes my heart yearn to go back!

Have the most wonderful day meeting your new daughter/sister tomorrow! Happy Birthday Linda! Ah, maybe it's a little early, but with the time difference I'm not sure when you'll read this.

Sofia is still in bed (it's 10:16am, we had a late night) when she wakes I'll show her the blog. : )

Love and hugs to all!

Amy said...

Linda, you all have been in our thoughts non-stop...on pins and needles waiting to see your sweet Shanna in your arms! Praying that all is going well and that you are each experiencing a peaceful, comfortable transition into a family of SIX! Shanna, oh how you are loved!!!

Love and Prayers and Great Big Hugs from TX...

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing your visions...
i am so excited for you all...
soon your family will be complete...what a wonderful gift for the family and for you linda, it makes your birthday very special. lots of love to everyone...sue

Louanne said...

These are great photos! And I remember seeing those guys with the loaded up bikes in Beijing and being amazed!