Monday, April 21, 2008

18 Days and Counting

There isn't really much to report, except that the kids are making these "countdown" markers for the blog. They are very excited about them and are enjoying finding new ways to express the number of days remaining. This one has the "Mole Sisters" in the bottom corner. Mary Alice could not get them any bigger without blurring them. They are very cute, but the small picture does not do them justice.

We have finalized our flights, hotels and even our seat assignments! Our dining room table is piled high with "possible" and "essential" items that we will need for China. We have been persistently finishing projects that have eluded completion for a LONG time. Eric's "honey-do" list was a mile long on Saturday, and mid-day Matthew jokingly asked him if his list was a half mile long now. Eric is such a great husband. His patience with me is amazing.

I also wanted to share with anyone who might need this info, that I have Peanut Allergy Alert Cards in Chinese and English for us to use for Matthew's peanut allergy. I will be happy to e-mail them to anyone who might need this info for their trip. I also have them for shellfish.


chica40208 said...

wow china huh have a great trip! i love you blog

Anonymous said...

Sounds as if you guys are making serious progress, Linda! The countdown is so exciting and please tell the kids that their markers are such fun! Happy packing!!! :) - Amy

Mike and Barb said...

I was wondering about all the fun markers.... very creative!
Happy packing!