Monday, March 3, 2008

3/3 We have our Letter Seeking Confirmation!

Dear Megan Ling,

Today we got a call from our agency telling us that we received our Official Referral to adopt you. Great Wall is going to send us papers to sign tomorrow and as soon as we send them back to Great Wall, the Chinese government is going to set up our appointment at the Chinese Consulate so we can get your Visa to bring you home. As soon as they know the date of our appointment they will give us Travel Approval (TA) and then we can arrange our tickets to come to you!

We are so excited to be another step closer to you!

Today, Mary Alice and I worked very hard on a photo album for you with pictures of our family, our home, your room, and many pictures of our cats! (Mary Alice thought that was very important!) Our friends, the Elwoods will give it to your Nannies when they come to China to pick up your friend Ying, next week. Your nannies will read it to you and talk to you about the photos. They will be able to read the chinese captions that we included!

Matthew and Daddy say Hello (Ni Hao) and Kisses (Wen Yi Wen).

Love, Mama

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw this is awesome!! You guys will be so blessed to have her home and smiling, she's amazing. I am so excited for you and your family. My prayers are with you :)
(member of Chaoyang team)