Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I-800 Approved 9/24!

One step closer!!

We expect a November travel plan!!!!

September Letter to Shanna, delivered by another family recently adopting

September 2010

Dear Shanna ( 亲爱的祥娜  )  汕安爽,

How are you? We think of you every day. Your bedroom is all ready for you. Younger sister is very excited to share. Do you see older sister, reading to younger sister?


This is a picture on the wall of your bedroom. We had an artist paint you into the picture with younger sister, older sister, and older brother. You are on the left side in the blue dress.

Here are some photos of our summer vacation.

Family (father’s younger brother)
This is my older brother and older sister.

We loved seeing the pictures of you opening your gifts. You look cute wearing sunglasses.
I am glad the clothes are the right size for you. You are very beautiful, especially when you smile.

We thank kind people who bring these notes to you. We hope you understand our Chinese.
We use computer to translate. We cannot wait to meet you.
We love you, Mom and Dad.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Catalano Picnic

The whole clan, blocking the amazing flowers that Bill and Janis grow all over their property, not to mention the incredible produce, of which we went home with 2 grocery bags, including zucchini, grapes, eggplant, pears, apples, gourds and  bouquets of Dinner Plate Dahlias!! Thank you!!

This was really cute, but of course once I noticed and brought out the camera, Megan got very shy and wouldn't look. She had so much fun pulling Shelly around and playing with her. Thanks Shelly for all your patient attention!

Finally, she did pose, with a beautiful and natural smile.

Matthew's photo. Loves to take pictures of flowers. Someday I will post a slide show of his work.
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Friday, September 17, 2010

Full Swing

September is in full swing. Open houses, homework, new clothes needed at the last minute, car repairs, soccer games, minor medical/dental issues, Eric traveling for work. You name it- we're doing it. Yet, all is going well. Everyone is adjusting well to new schedules, earlier bedtimes, 6:00 wake up times (Megan is the only one who hops out of bed well before she needs to),  and generally remembering what is needed to get out the door in the morning. We are in a waiting pattern now with the adoption- nothing to do but wait for others to do their work.

Me with the Fed Ex man, posing with my LOA, just delivered.
The official LOA

Baskets created by Mary Alice and her friends

Matthew's math homework. Glad it's not me.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We Have Our LOA!

I woke up this morning to find a very exciting e-mail from our agency that says our official Letter of Acceptance (LOA) is on its way from China and will arrive very soon. This is the final step that will allow us to accept the referral of Shanna and send it off to our government to process her immigration to the US paperwork. China will continue to process paperwork on their end and issue a Travel Approval in about 4-6 weeks. After that, we can make our arrangements to go to China. We are not sure when we can travel but at this point are anticipating around early December.

First Day of School

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